Our summer appeal has raised over £10,500! Thank you to everyone who has given to and supported the appeal, including individuals and businesses. Special thanks go to our funding partners, Linklaters who matched public donations and gave a total of £10,000 to the campaign.

How we will use the funds

Every gift for the campaign will be distributed through Haringey Giving's Changing Lives Fund. Funds will enable people on low incomes in Haringey to take a step forward and overcome a challenge in their lives. The funds will be distributed through our trusted local grassroots organisations, who act as our delivery partners.

People experiencing disadvantage within our highly diverse borough may come up against barriers to realising their potential and living fulfilled lives. The fund aims to harness the momentum of a person’s interest or ambition from the point it is expressed. The funding may be used to cover all, or part of the costs associated with a person taking a step towards reaching their goals.

The impact of Changing Lives so far

Since we first set up the Changing Lives Fund in 2020 we have funded twelve community partners to deliver the fund and pay for the things that people need to move forward in life.  Well over 70 people in Haringey have been able to overcome challenges by being able to do things like gaining skills, qualifications, accessing support and improving their mental health. 

Find out more about the impact of Changing Lives

Read more about the fund and our partners

Missed the campaign?

Although the appeal is now over, you can still contribute to the Changing Lives Fund and enable people experiencing disadvantage in Haringey to overcome challenges. Every donation counts and although your gift will not be matched by our partners, all of it will still go to support someone in Haringey.

Donate here